Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder that causes memory loss as well as memory and reasoning challenges. It grows over time, making it difficult for people to remember things, think properly and perform daily tasks. As the condition advances, it might alter a person’s behavior and personality.
Aquariums can help Alzheimer’s sufferers reduce aggression and improve their eating habits. Meanwhile, children and adults with ADHD may discover that seeing an aquarium reduces hyperactivity and enhances attention span, giving a relaxing effect that helps with daily tasks.
Professor Nancy Edwards conducted research on 60 people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Edwards reported that test volunteers who were regularly exposed to vibrant fish tanks seemed more relaxed and aware. They also consumed up to 21% more food than before, with an average increase of 17.2%.
An aquarium can also have a positive impact on mood and mental well-being. Observing fish can be a delightful calm from the daily problems of Alzheimer’s disease, offering simple joy and lifting the patient’s spirits. Also, the calm atmosphere generated by an aquarium provides comfort and a sense of security, which is particularly beneficial for patients who may be confused or unhappy.